Scalp Pigmentation

Scalp Pigmentation

LYV Aesthetic offers scalp micropigmentation in Dubai using the latest techniques. The procedure aims to create a natural-looking shadow on the scalp by using tiny, layered dots in different shades of black instead of hairlike lines. This technique, known as pointillism, helps to create depth and definition that mimics the appearance of real hair.

Why Choose Us?

Experience the transformational power of scalp pigmentation, a highly sought-after beauty treatment that creates the illusion of a full head of hair. At LYV Aesthetic, we specialise in delivering captivating scalp pigmentation styles, using top-quality pigments and advanced techniques to achieve a natural-looking outcome.

Transformative Effects
At LYV Aesthetic, we excel in the intricate art of scalp pigmentation, utilising top-quality pigments to ensure a striking and seamlessly natural result.

Precise Techniques
Our precision-focused technique involves the expert application of a permanent pigment, ensuring a defined hair enhancement that surpasses traditional methods.

Long-term Solutions
Our scalp pigmentation treatment eliminates daily touch-ups and provides a long-lasting solution, with a natural-looking pigment that endures for an extended period.

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Benefits of Scalp Pigmentation

Scalp pigmentation is a semi-permanent makeup technique to cover bald spots or thinning hair. With the help of thin needles, we deposit tiny dots of pigment on the scalp to create a natural-looking shaved head or to fill in bald spots. It's a great option for those who want to enhance their overall look.

  • Promotes hair growth
  • Improves overall look
  • Add more volume to bald spots
  • Less invasive

Book Your Appointment

Schedule a scalp micropigmentation appointment in Dubai. Our procedure is tailored to your unique preferences, delivering precise and exceptional results.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 What is scalp micropigmentation?

In scalp micropigmentation, small dots of pigment are applied to the scalp to create the illusion of thicker hair. Also known as a hair tattoo, it's a precise and natural-looking solution for those experiencing hair loss or thinning. You can trust the professionals at LYV Aesthetic for a satisfying scalp pigmentation in Dubai.

Q2 How does scalp micropigmentation work?

During the procedure, our experts will use a fine needle to deposit medical-grade pigment onto the scalp, varying in size, angle, and depth to mimic the appearance of real hair. The session typically lasts up to five hours, with multiple sessions needed for optimal results.

Q3 How long does scalp micropigmentation last?

It usually takes four years or more for scalp micropigmentation to lose its appearance. The pigments used are permanent and resist fading or colour change, providing a long-lasting solution.

Q4 Is scalp micropigmentation suitable for everyone?

Scalp micropigmentation is suitable for individuals with conditions such as alopecia, chemotherapy-related hair loss, thinning hair, or scars on the scalp.