Chemical Peeling

Chemical Peeling

Experience a sophisticated alternative to facelift surgery with chemical peel treatment in Dubai at LYV Aesthetic. Our skilled dermatologists employ services that are not only premium but also curated for you. Chemical peels improve skin texture on the face, hands, and neck by removing the top layer with a chemical solution. Trust our licensed professionals to minimise any potential risks and take a refined approach to enhance your natural radiance.

Why Choose Us?

Uplift your beauty with the in-demand chemical peel treatments at LYV Aesthetic, providing an outstanding solution for facial enhancement. As the best beauty clinic in Dubai, we deliver cosmetic treatments that can help minimise wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, dullness, and scarring.

Transparent Pricing
When you select LYV Aesthetic, you get transparent pricing structures, providing clarity on costs associated with treatments and avoiding any hidden fees. This fosters trust and transparency in the client-provider relationship.

Post-Treatment Support
Experience ongoing support with post-treatment care, where our specialists remains accessible for any queries or concerns, prioritising your comfort and well-being beyond the procedure.

Patient-Centric Approach
We adopt a patient-centric approach, placing your comfort, satisfaction, and individual needs at the forefront of every decision and treatment plan.

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Benefits of Chemical Peels

By removing damaged skin cells, chemical peels reveal healthier skin beneath. Peels come in three different types: light, medium, and deep. Generally, light peels are best for superficial skin problems, medium peels for mild to moderate skin problems, and deep peels for severe skin problems.

  • Repairs skin cells
  • Removes skin damage
  • Reduces pigmentation
  • Improves skin texture

Book Your Appointment

To experience a safe and highly effective chemical peel in Dubai, book an appointment with LYV Aesthetic.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 What happens when you opt for a mild chemical peel?

A mild chemical peel enhances the texture and tone of the skin while reducing the visibility of fine wrinkles. The effects are subtle but become more pronounced with repeated sessions. Opting for a moderate chemical peel results in significantly smoother skin.

Q2 Why choose LYV Aesthetic for a chemical peel in Dubai?

Our proficient team excels in providing comprehensive chemical peel treatments to rejuvenate your skin. Trust our skilled practitioners for a tailored and effective chemical peel experience, enhancing the overall appearance of your skin.

Q3 How long does chemical peel treatment last?

As aging and sun damage lead to new lines and color changes in skin over time, results may not be permanent.

Q4 Are there any side effects of chemical peels?

Chemical peels, though generally low-risk, may result in redness, scabbing, and swelling. Scarring is rare but possible, and changes in skin color may occur. Discuss potential outcomes with our experts at LYV Aesthetic before the procedure.