Green Peel

Green Peel

Discover an herbal skin peeling treatment with the Green Peel treatment at LYV Aesthetics. Our skilled dermatologists offer premium services, specifically curated for you. Green peels improve skin health and texture on the face, hands, and neck by using a chemical solution to remove the top layer, revealing more beautiful skin.

Why Choose Us?

LYV Aesthetic offers hygienic treatments that are highly sought-after for green peel treatment in Dubai. With advanced technology, novel solutions and expert techniques, we at LYV Aesthetic guarantee you a refined and efficacious facial peel experience. Bring new vitality to your face by relying on us for top-quality results.

Tailored Treatment Plans
Benefit from personalised care designed to address your unique aesthetic goals and concerns, ensuring a customised approach for optimal results.

Comprehensive Consultations
Choose a clinic that prioritises comprehensive consultations, providing a thorough understanding of your individual needs, allowing for informed decisions and a more effective treatment journey.

Proven Track Record
Opt for a service provider with a proven track record of successful treatments and satisfied clients.

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Benefits of Green Peel

The herbal blend in Green Peel incorporates extracts from water, aloe vera, marigold, chamomile, and algae. In turn, these botanicals promote blood circulation to the face and increase oxygen supply, which optimises the rate of cellular regeneration.

  • Stimulates skin renewal
  • Regulates collagen production
  • Improves skin barrier function
  • Smoothens out fine lines and wrinkles

Book Your Appointment

For a secure and exceptionally efficient Green Peel treatment in Dubai, schedule an appointment with LYV Aesthetic.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 What is Green Peel treatment?

The Green Peel treatment is incredibly gentle, so much so that your practitioner won't need to wear gloves during the procedure. It can be best described as a serene facial experience that imparts a radiant glow to the skin.

Q2 Why choose LYV Aesthetic for a Green Peel treatment in Dubai?

If you are looking to achieve long-lasting results and enhance the overall appearance of your skin, look no further than LYV Aesthetic. Contact us today to schedule your green peel treatment in Dubai and discover the transformative effects of a skin rejuvenation treatment.

Q3 What happens once you opt for this treatment?

Before the session, you will undergo a detailed consultation from our experts to pinpoint the ideal Green Peel herbal treatment tailored to address your specific skin concerns. Following this, our aesthetician will cleanse and tone your skin, conducting a thorough analysis to gauge your skin's tolerance and reactivity.

Q4 Are there any side effects of Green Peel treatment?

While Green Peel treatments are generally gentle, potential cons include the need for multiple sessions to achieve desired results. Although considered low-risk, there may be side effects such as redness, scabbing, swelling, and rare instances of scarring or changes in skin colour.